Thursday, December 20, 2012

We think...

Baby Kate is GREAT!!!

Pat and I were discussing how we think Baby Kate's desire and focus on climbing has slowed he walking progress...Baby Kate is mostly taking 3-5 steps at a time before "sitting down" but last night, she was really on the move taking many more than 12 steps in a semi circle to walk around a toy before sitting down...

Pat did share that he "saw with his own eyes", Baby Kate climb on top of one of the chairs in the family room last, I took this photo of an unsuccessful attempt...

We feed her finger  food up to 3 times a day and are giving her whole milk in a sippy cup at meal times...

Baby Kate usually takes a mid to late morning nap and at a minimum a late afternoon nap...if she takes a mid morning nap, she make take two afternoon just depends on her mood...I usually feed her a bottle of formula or put her in "the swing of sleep" to help her fall asleep...a few times I have laid her down and she went to sleep, but usually she cries and breaks my heart...she makes this really sad, sad face and I can't take it...

Baby Kate is still waking up at least one time a night for a 6 ounce bottle of formula, after being fed an 8 ounce bottle in my arms as she falls asleep before going to bed...I wish she was still interested in nursing, but has turned her face away for a couple of months now...

1 comment:

  1. Jen, this is such a great way to document Kate's early years. I love the photos! So this new blog is the same type as mine - not as many layout options with photos but at least it's free. Keep it coming!

    Merry Christmas!

